Wednesday, March 6, 2019


My dad said dance lessons would make me appear too Canadian so now I take my teenage angst out in the form of MINIATURE PAINTING HERE IS MY WARBOSS:


He's equipped with ANRAHEIRS' CLAW or something like that. It's just two brute gore hackas hacked together.

As with all of my miniatures I applied my patented DLTC* technique, which yields best results 3-6 feet away. Anyhow here's some before and after of the base:

The process was pretty straightforward: I have a giant slab of cork. I popped a corner off with my bare hands and trimmed it to fit the base. I then hid seams with tinier rock-like pieces of cork to hide how stupid that looked and it worked. Also skulls.

I then primed the whole damn thing grey, nulned it, dry brushed it, picked out the skulls with bone, drybrushed everything bone, paint the non-cork an earth color, flocked the bitch, dreamed my horse didn't leave me when I was a kid due to massive neglect, then added some tufts. The white is elmer's glue still drying because holy shit I'm a millennial and impatient and wanted to take a picture immediately get off my back SUSAN!

All that being said I may not even take this guy to NOVA because of some deep discussions I had on the TGA boards and with my uncle.

That's it I don't have any other progress shots or words of wisdom I just wanted to rudely invade my friends' blogging platform and include myself in their dialogue because I thought what they were doing was cool and they don't use run on sentences but I do cause I'm pretty sure it'll trigger one of them ok bye.

*Don't Look Too Close


My dad said dance lessons would make me appear too Canadian so now I take my teenage angst out in the form of MINIATURE PAINTING HERE IS MY...